Always forgetting to tell this, but
Thank ya'll SO MUCH for over 2200 listens on Escape!!!
That is like.. insane
I dont really know how frontpages work and who does that, but i guess it really helped too lol
I am so proud of my little community haha
As for the actual news
- My music is now released on Spotify, Apple Music, VK Music, etc. Ill add links for all of that on my website very soon! Feels like a dream came true... Not all music is reuploaded yet, we need some time. Imagine the distributor team faces when they saw my requests, "how did this dude make 7 tracks and 6 icon covers for them in one day"
- I know I kind of quit music, but a huge project is planning once I return back, and 1/4 of it is done already
Also lets wish platinum some peace in mind for his eye surgery, I think he would really appreciate it.
Im sorry, nothing much to tell anymore... yet...
See you soon my snowflakes!!